Dr. François Saulnier
Specialist in Veterinary Surgery
Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Veterinary Surgery
Hong Kong Registered Specialist in Veterinary Surgery
Dr François Saulnier graduated from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (France) in 2002 and spent three extra years in Paris in the prestigious University Hospital of Maisons-Alfort (France) to complete further training in Companion animals. He completed a postgraduate rotating internship and a specialized surgical assistantship in the same institution and took up a three-year residency program in small animal surgery (European College of Veterinary Surgeons) in Belgium, at the Faculte Veterinaire de Liege under the supervision of his two supervisors and mentors Professor Annick Hamaide and Professor Balligand, both specialists of this specialty college. Following this three extra years of mentoring, Dr François was awarded the DesChir(PA) title (Belgian Specialist diploma) and completed all the credentials to take and pass the examination of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons. Dr François is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary surgeons since 2010 and recognised RCVS specialist.
Dr François has worked both in academic and private institutions around the world. He started his professional journey as an assistant Professor in Small Animal Surgery at the Atlantic Veterinary College (UPEI-Canada), and later on enrolled as an external examiner for the CertAVP examination of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. He has worked in several renowned private practices in the United Kingdom, before moving in Singapore and Hong Kong and spent over five years in Asia. The ECVS and ACVS specialisation mentoring is a long and exclusive training, sanctioned by a challenging examination and only too few Surgery Specialists are encountered in Asia in comparison to the rest of the world. Dr François has met the most amazing and committed pet owners in Hong Kong expecting the most specialized care. Dr François is thrilled to join VSH that provides excellence at all levels of a patient’s journey, from the customer desk to the nursing team. He believes in the fact that although a specialty tier doesn’t buy miracles, they are more likely to happen when excellence is met at all levels of the patient’s care.
Dr François has also published several peer-reviewed articles and lectures internationally, peers, veterinary practitioners as well as the next generation of veterinarians. His clinical interest includes all aspects of his specialty training, tumour excisions, reconstructive surgery, hepatobiliary surgical conditions, surgical spinal conditions (disc herniation, fracture, tumour), all urinary surgical conditions (Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass), all traumatic orthopaedic conditions (Cruciate ligament failure, fractures/luxation). Dr François also has a keen interest in minimally invasive procedures such as arthroscopy, urethral stenting (bladder tumours), and tracheal stenting.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of common procedures performed by Dr. François:
- Congenital cardiac defects, pericardiectomy, atrial tumours, Patent ductus arteriosus
- Lung lobectomy, thymectomy, thymoma
- Migrating foreign bodies
- Pyothorax and chylothorax
- Palliative management of pleural effusions, pleural port, Denver shunt placement
- Tracheal stenting for treatment of tracheal collapse refractory to medical management
Ear nose and throat:
- Total ear canal ablation (TECA) and bulla osteotomy for management of chronic ear infections;
- Investigation of nasal cavities, rigid rhinoscopy and retroflexed rhinoscopy for biopsy;
- Brachycephalic airway syndrome
- Laryngeal paralysis, Tracheal rupture
- Maxillary/mandibular/palatine tumours
- Conditions of the salivary glands, sialadenectomy
Endocrine surgery:
- Thyroidectomy and adrenalectomy
- Oesophageal strictures/foreign body removal using endoscopy (when possible) or surgery
- Intestinal tumours/obstruction
- Subtotal colectomy in feline megacolon, colorectal surgery
- Anal sac tumours, furonculosis
Hepatobiliary system:
- Portosystemic shunts (abnormal blood vessels by-passing the liver), extrahepatic and intrahepatic;
- Hepatic tumours
- Biliary conditions (choleliths, mucoceles, neoplasia)
Hernia/rupture surgery:
- Perineal ruptures
- Diaphragmatic ruptures
- Pericardioperitoneal herniation
- Hard and soft tissue tumours (cancers): work-up with the support of our Imaging Specialist (Ultrasonography, Computed tomography and MRI scan) and surgical excision.
- Congenital & acquired urinary incontinence (ectopic ureters), prostatic disease and cryptorchidism
- Artificial urethral sphincters for treatment of sphincter incompetence,/p>
- Tumours and obstructive conditions of the urinary tract
- Treatment of obstructive ureteroliths with SUB (Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass)
- Urethral stenting for management of urethral/bladder cancer
- Wound management and reconstruction:
- Local/distant skin flaps and free skin grafting, major cavity-reconstruction;
- Management of non-healing and infected wounds using VAC device
Fracture Management:
- External skeletal fixation
- Application of AO / ASIF, SOP plates
- Complicated healing: malunion / nonunions / corrective osteotomies
- Angular deformities, use of Hybrid ESF
- Intramedullary locking nails
Joint Surgery:
- Diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy (Key-hole) & arthrotomies
- Arthrodesis
- Elbow / hip dysplasia
Cruciate ligament surgery:
- Extracapsular stabilisation, tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA), cranial closing
- Wedge ostectomy (CCWO), tibial plateau levelling osteotomy (TPLO)
- Luxations / sprains / shear injuries
- Ventral slots (slipped disc in the neck)
- Laminectomy/ Hemilaminectomy (slipped disc in the thoracolumbar spine)
- Wobblers (Caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy in large to giant breeds)
- Distraction/fusion of failed intervertebral discs
- Atlantoaxial instabilities
- Foraminotomy (L7 sciatica) for severe Degenerative Lumbosacral Stenosis
- Fracture/luxations requiring stabilisation
- Vertebral/spinal/brain tumour excisions
- Spinal congenital deformities
Education & Training
- Docteur en Médecine Vétérinaire - National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France
- Rotating Internship - University Hospital of Maisons-Alfort, France
- Surgical Assistantship - University Hospital of Maisons-Alfort, France
- Residency program of European College of Veterinary Surgeons - University of Liege, Belgium
- DesChir(PA), Belgium Specialist Diploma - University of Liege, Belgium
- Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons
- Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Surgery